Education Level List For HTML Drop Down, JavaScript And PHP

Creating an education level dropdown for your web application is straightforward with our HTML, JavaScript, and PHP code snippets. Customize and integrate these snippets into your project effortlessly.

Create Custom Education Level List for Your Needs

Customize your preferred education level by choosing from the options listed in the table. You can include these selected education level in a dropdown menu, a JavaScript array, or a PHP array. The selected codes will be displayed below.

Multilingual Options. Translated versions of the education levels list are available in various languages

# Education Levels Select
1No Formal Education
2Pre-Primary Education
3Primary Education
4Middle School
5Secondary Education or High School
6GED (General Educational Development)
7Vocational Qualification
8Technical Education
9Certificate Program
10Associate Degree

HTML Drop Down

To include an education level dropdown in your HTML, use the following code. This dropdown includes a comprehensive list of education levels, from no formal education to post-doctoral studies.

<select id="education-level" name="education-level">
    <option value="no-formal-education">No Formal Education</option>
    <option value="pre-primary-education">Pre-Primary Education</option>
    <option value="primary-education">Primary Education</option>
    <option value="middle-school">Middle School</option>
    <option value="secondary-education">Secondary Education or High School</option>
    <option value="ged">GED (General Educational Development)</option>
    <option value="vocational-qualification">Vocational Qualification</option>
    <option value="technical-education">Technical Education</option>
    <option value="certificate-program">Certificate Program</option>
    <option value="associate-degree">Associate Degree</option>
    <option value="bachelors-degree">Bachelor's Degree</option>
    <option value="post-graduate-diploma">Post-Graduate Diploma</option>
    <option value="professional-certification">Professional Certification</option>
    <option value="masters-degree">Master's Degree</option>
    <option value="doctoral-degree">Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)</option>
    <option value="professional-degree">Professional Degree (MD, JD, DDS, etc.)</option>
    <option value="post-doctoral">Post-Doctoral Studies</option>
    <option value="other">Other</option>

JavaScript Array

For those looking to use JavaScript to handle the education levels dynamically, the following JavaScript array includes the same comprehensive list of education levels. This can be used to populate dropdown menus programmatically.

const educationLevels = [
    { value: "no-formal-education", text: "No Formal Education" },
    { value: "pre-primary-education", text: "Pre-Primary Education" },
    { value: "primary-education", text: "Primary Education" },
    { value: "middle-school", text: "Middle School" },
    { value: "secondary-education", text: "Secondary Education or High School" },
    { value: "ged", text: "GED (General Educational Development)" },
    { value: "vocational-qualification", text: "Vocational Qualification" },
    { value: "technical-education", text: "Technical Education" },
    { value: "certificate-program", text: "Certificate Program" },
    { value: "associate-degree", text: "Associate Degree" },
    { value: "bachelors-degree", text: "Bachelor's Degree" },
    { value: "post-graduate-diploma", text: "Post-Graduate Diploma" },
    { value: "professional-certification", text: "Professional Certification" },
    { value: "masters-degree", text: "Master's Degree" },
    { value: "doctoral-degree", text: "Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)" },
    { value: "professional-degree", text: "Professional Degree (MD, JD, DDS, etc.)" },
    { value: "post-doctoral", text: "Post-Doctoral Studies" },
    { value: "other", text: "Other" }

Usage Example

Use this array to create a dropdown menu

<select id="education-level">
  <option value="">Select education level</option>
const educationLevelSelect = document.getElementById("education-level");
// Populate dropdown
educationLevels.forEach(group => {
    const optionElement = document.createElement("option");
    optionElement.value = group.value;
    optionElement.textContent = group.text;

Try it your self Real Time Preview

PHP Array

For backend development with PHP, use the following PHP array to manage education levels. This array can be used to generate dropdown menus or other interfaces that require education level selections.

$educationLevels = [
    ["value" => "", "text" => "Select your highest level of education"],
    ["value" => "no-formal-education", "text" => "No Formal Education"],
    ["value" => "pre-primary-education", "text" => "Pre-Primary Education"],
    ["value" => "primary-education", "text" => "Primary Education"],
    ["value" => "middle-school", "text" => "Middle School"],
    ["value" => "secondary-education", "text" => "Secondary Education or High School"],
    ["value" => "ged", "text" => "GED (General Educational Development)"],
    ["value" => "vocational-qualification", "text" => "Vocational Qualification"],
    ["value" => "technical-education", "text" => "Technical Education"],
    ["value" => "certificate-program", "text" => "Certificate Program"],
    ["value" => "associate-degree", "text" => "Associate Degree"],
    ["value" => "bachelors-degree", "text" => "Bachelor's Degree"],
    ["value" => "post-graduate-diploma", "text" => "Post-Graduate Diploma"],
    ["value" => "professional-certification", "text" => "Professional Certification"],
    ["value" => "masters-degree", "text" => "Master's Degree"],
    ["value" => "doctoral-degree", "text" => "Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)"],
    ["value" => "professional-degree", "text" => "Professional Degree (MD, JD, DDS, etc.)"],
    ["value" => "post-doctoral", "text" => "Post-Doctoral Studies"],
    ["value" => "other", "text" => "Other"]


Usage Example PHP Array

Here is a simple example of using this array to create an HTML select option.

$options = '';
// create dropdown
foreach ($educationLevels as $group) {
    $value = strtolower($group['value']);
    $text = htmlspecialchars($group['text']);
    $options .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $text . '</option>'.PHP_EOL;

<select id="education-level">
  <option value="">Select education level</option>
	<?php echo $options ?>

Use Cases

  • Educational Platforms

  • Job Portals

  • Survey and Research Tools

  • Corporate Training Programs

  • Non-Profit Organizations