Continent Names for HTML Drop-Down, PHP, JavaScript Arrays, and SQL
This article provides a list of continent names which can be used anywhere in Web Development and Programming. Whether you are building HTML dropdown menus, filling PHP arrays with continent names, coding JavaScript functions or constructing SQL databases etc. these set of continent name makes it regular and easy to your work.
HTML Dropdown for Continents
Use the following code to create a drop-down menu with continent names in HTML
<select id="continent" name="continent" class="form-select" aria-label="Select Continent">
<option>select continent</option>
<option value="AF">Africa</option>
<option value="AN">Antarctica</option>
<option value="AS">Asia</option>
<option value="OC">Australia (Oceania)</option>
<option value="EU">Europe</option>
<option value="NA">North America</option>
<option value="SA">South America</option>

JavaScript Array of Continents
Use the following JavaScript code to create an array of continent names
JS Continent Names
const continents = ["Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Europe",
"North America", "Australia", "South America"];
JS Continents Code
JS Array of Object Code and Name
const continents = [
{"code": "AF", "name": "Africa"},
{"code": "AN", "name": "Antarctica"},
{"code": "AS", "name": "Asia"},
{"code": "OC", "name": "Australia (Oceania)"},
{"code": "EU", "name": "Europe"},
{"code": "NA", "name": "North America"},
{"code": "SA", "name": "South America"}
JS Object Code and Name
PHP Array of Continents
Use the following PHP code to create an array of continent names
PHP Continent Names
$continents = ["Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Europe",
"North America", "Australia", "South America"];
PHP Continents Code
PHP Array of Object Code and Name
$continents = [
["code" => "AF", "name" => "Africa"],
["code" => "AN", "name" => "Antarctica"],
["code" => "AS", "name" => "Asia"],
["code" => "OC", "name" => "Australia (Oceania)"],
["code" => "EU", "name" => "Europe"],
["code" => "NA", "name" => "North America"],
["code" => "SA", "name" => "South America"]
PHP Object Code and Name
SQL Table for Continents
Use the following SQL code to create a table and insert continent names
`code` CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
`name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `code` (`code`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
INSERT INTO `continents` (`id`, `code`, `name`) VALUES
(1, 'AF', 'Africa'),
(2, 'AN', 'Antarctica'),
(3, 'AS', 'Asia'),
(4, 'EU', 'Europe'),
(5, 'OC', 'Australia'),
(6, 'NA', 'North America'),
(7, 'SA', 'South America');
Click the button download SQL continents
DownloadUse Cases of Continents
Geographical Data Organization: Use continent data for maps, educational tools, and data visualization projects.
Form Inputs: Include continent dropdowns in web forms for user profiles, travel bookings, and surveys.
Data Analysis and Reports: Use continent-based data for statistical analysis, market research, and regional reports.
Educational Resources: Create interactive learning modules, quizzes, and games for geography education.
Content Personalization: Customize content based on user's continent for targeted marketing, news, and services.
Sports: Organize international sports events on a continental basis, like the African Cup of Nations or European Championships.