Free SVG Icons - Brand Icons, Regular Icons, and Solid Icons
Explore a huge collection of SVG icons available in three styles: Brand Icons, Regular Icons, and Solid Icons. Easily download high-quality scalable vector icons for smooth integration into your website or project or copy the SVG code with a single click. SVG Icons gear icon, arrow icon, settings icon, full-screen icon, download icon, image icon, user icon, alert icon.
Click on the icons below to get the SVG code. You can download the icon or copy the code directly. Additionally, you can customize the icon color and size before using it.
alarm fill alarm alert circle fill alert circle alert octagon fill alert octagon alert square fill alert square alert triangle fill alert triangle archive-fill archive arrow bar bottom arrow bar left arrow bar right arrow bar up arrow clockwise arrow counterclockwise arrow down left arrow down right arrow down short arrow down arrow left right arrow left short arrow left arrow repeat arrow right short arrow right arrow up down arrow up left
Font Awesome SVG Icons
2000+ Font Awesome SVG icons. Search for the icons name you want in the textbox below.
Solid icons (1390)
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Regular icons
SVG Regular icons (163)
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Brands icon
SVG Brands icons (467)
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